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Handmade natural bar ingredients are shea butter, lye, water, olive oil, hemp oil, soybean oil, nag champa oil, herbs and spices

Healthy for the skin, Nag Champ may be helpful in fighting off acne or rashes which are causing swelling in the skin. Because of its antiseptic qualities, it works to kill germs on the skin that can cause infection, leaving the skin looking healthy and lovely.

From a health standpoint, Nag Champa Oil has benefits including boosting the immune system, repelling insects, reducing inflammation, killing septic germs, fighting off fungus, and promoting healthy organs such as kidneys and liver.

Nag Champa Natural Bar 4.5oz

  • Disclaimer: It is important to consult with your doctor before ingesting or using anything new. Make sure you don’t have any allergies to the product and that you are using natural or pure ingredients. Pregnant women should also consult with a physician before using.

    One of the most popular incenses, nag champa is a blend from India that relies on the champa flower for its signature rich scent. It mixes a sweet floral scent with heavier musk, using the aromatic tree resin halmaddi. The evergreen plant that blooms the Champa flower is considered sacred and is cultivated mostly in India. The other ingredients that are used to make this aromatic oil are sandalwood, black pepper, Cinnamon and Halmaddi. It works as an insect repellent and antiseptic agent on the skin. Sandalwood’s anti-inflammatory propertieswork well on skin problems. With prolonged use, you may see improvements in your skin texture, and rashes, if any, will disappear.

    Uses: Stress Reliever, Helps in Focusing, Good mfor Skin Health

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